Greek Mythology with a twist by integrating disaster preparedness
Displaying their remarkable acting skills, Grade 10 students from St. Matthew, St. Paul, and St. John staged a theatrical performance on October 18, 2023 at the VOR Hall.
N. Pombo
The concept centered on Greek Mythology with a twist by integrating disaster preparedness before, during, and after a calamity.
The individual awards for the theater performance go to the following talented students: Best Actress, Marielle Faye Bautista from Grade 10- St. John; Best Actor, Kirby Ong from Grade 10- St. Matthew; Best Supporting Actress, Xania Songalia from Grade 10- St. Paul; and Best Supporting Actor, James Patrick Kapunan from Grade 10- St. Matthew.
The recognition for the theater production extends to the following categories: Best Production awarded to Grade 10- St. Paul, Best Playwright to Grade 10- St. Matthew, Best Costumes and Props credited to Grade 10- St. John, and the overall winner, the Best Play is presented to Grade 10- St. Paul.
The judging panel consisted of Ms. Aida Completo, Ms. Jessica Flores, Mr. Marvin Subillo, Mr. Edizon Argota, and Mrs. Janice Andrade.
Photos by R. Yao, C. Elizon