Registrar's Office

Admission Policies

The enrollment of learners in Liceo del Verbo Divino, Inc. (LVD) shall be conducted during the registration days indicated in the school calendar with the information disseminated beforehand through social media platforms (ex. Facebook) and printed materials (leaflets and flyers). Once admitted, learners enjoy the right to enroll until graduation. Therefore, except in cases of academic deficiency, violation of the school’s rules and regulations, closure of the school, or failure to pay school fees, the learner who qualifies for enrollment is qualified to stay for the entire period in which he/she is expected to complete the course in the school, without prejudice to his/her right to transfer to other schools within the prescribed period.

The following policies cover the enrollment of learners:

1. a learner is considered officially enrolled only after he/she has complied with the following:

a. He/she has submitted all required admission credentials.

b. He/she has made an initial payment of school fees.

c. He/she has been authorized to attend classes once they have started (usually evidenced by his/her admission card and his/her name appearing in the official class list for the term or school year).

2. When a learner is officially enrolled, it is understood that he/she is enrolled for the duration of the entire term or school year, regardless of whether or not school fees have been fully paid;

3. Aside from the specified registration period, a learner may be allowed to enroll in accordance with reasonable rules of the school for late enrollment but shall in no case exceed after the administration of the First Preliminary Examination or the time prescribed by DepEd.

4. No learner shall be considered officially enrolled unless all enrollment requirements are submitted or waived for a specific date before the end of the enrollment period.

Qualifications for Enrollment

Learners of any nationality, religious belief, political affiliation, social group, and those who are differently abled are welcome to Liceo del Verbo Divino, Inc. (LVD) according to the Philippine Constitution, to the educational laws of the country, and following the framework of the philosophy and objectives of LVD. Learner’s application for admission will be given due course by the school granted that it meets all the requirements and qualifies according to the guidelines prescribed by the School and Department of Education (DepEd).

The school, however, earns the right at any time to refuse to admit, or not to readmit learners under certain conditions.

a. Applicants who make false statements in their application for admission and those who tamper with their academic credentials.

b. Applicants found guilty of grave misconduct as determined by the school-created body.

All incoming new learners or transferees must have a cut-off General Average of 80% or better and a conduct grade of SO or better to be qualified to take the entrance examinations (written and oral). They have to present the original copy of their Report Card at the Registrar’s Office for evaluation and to pay the required amount for the testing fee at the Finance Office (cashier) before taking the entrance examination.

A learner who had an interrupted enrollment during the previous school year may be readmitted subject that the learner must secure a clearance signed by the different offices.

Registrar's Processes

1. Processing and Releasing of DWUT Documents

  • Certification (e.g. Certificate of Attendance and Certificate of Graduation)

  • Verification

  • Authentication

  • Transfer Credentials

    Permanent Record (for Elementary and High School)

    Honorable Dismissal with Transcript of Records for Further Studies (for Tertiary and Post-Graduate)

  • Permanent Record and/or Transcript of Record (for purposes other than for Further Studies)

  • Diploma

  • Related Learning Experiences (RLE) – for Nursing only

  • Documents for Certification, Authentication and Verification (CAV) purpose

2. Processing and Releasing of LVD Documents

  • Certification (e.g. Good Moral Certificate and Certificate of Attendance)

  • Verification

  • Authentication

  • Transfer Credentials

    ECCD Checklist (for kindergarten completers)

    Permanent Record

    Report Card

  • Diploma/Completion Certificate

  • Documents for Certification, Authentication and Verification (CAV) purpose

3. Government Subsidy Grants

  • Assisting in learner’s application for Government Subsidy Grants

    Educational Service Contracting (ESC) for Junior High School

    Senior High School Voucher Program

  • Releasing of system-generated certificates for grantees who transferred out of the school.

For Inquiries, Leave the Registrar a Message


School Registrar